Tag Archives: Guy Kawasaki

Officially Enchanting

Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki

I never thought I would have been lucky enough to be in the presence of Guy Kawasaki.  Yet, Wednesday, April 4th, I had the great fortune to hear Guy speak at Rackspace in San Antonio, TX.  It was an open, easy Q and A conversation.  He spoke about his latest project, an eBook, “What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest Of Us“.  Although I have not read the book, Guy makes the case for utilizing Google+, because, quite simply “Google is Google”.  It’s SEO that everyone can understand; “if you write good stuff, Google will find it”.

A few more interesting/key points Guy made:

  • Regarding privacy; don’t do stupid things.
  • Regarding social media; it’s fast, free and ubiquitous and could replace traditional marketing in the near future
  • Rules for engaging people through social media:
  1. Act like a person
  2. Always be providing value, which includes information and assistance
  3. It’s about caring; mixing human emotion, interesting facts and good ideas, (and good deals!)
  • Want to know who does social media right?  Check these three companies out:
  1. Comcast
  2. Virgin
  3. Ford
  • “It’s so hard to get followers on Pinterest“.

In closing; most companies make the mistake of defining themselves by what they do; not what they provide.  When you define yourself by what you provide, it’s a lot easier to adjust for the bends in the road.